Standing for the Historic Evangelical and Reformed Faith in a postmodern generation. We believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, Justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, the inerrancy and authority of the Bible alone for the glory of God alone.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Open Letter to Dan Mages and Hunger Truth

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

Galatians 6:1-2


I am Back East traveling and I am now near Bangor Maine, so I have been out of the loop about what is going on back home in Southern California. But I have heard that you have been on several radio shows recently denying the Trinity and the deity of Jesus Christ .All the reports that I have heard about what you are doing are not good Dan.

Since this recent tour of Evangelical radio shows, many people in various Evangelical Churches in America now are looking at you as a heretic and a cult leader a la Joseph Smith and Charles Taze Russell, the founder of Mormonism and the Jehovah's Witnesses, respectively and it breaks my heart to tell you this Dan.

I now kind of feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi trying to win back Anakin Skywalker from the Dark Side. Only, the reality of the issue is that the Star Wars movies are just fictitious forays of cinematic fantasy yet there is no Lava Planet Dan, the worldview expressed in the Bible is real Dan. Hell, eternal torment and the reality of apostasy is real.

Dan, you may already be there, but it appears that you on the brink of no return, on the road to complete apostasy but I am going to write to you one last time as a friend to ask you to reconsider your ways and come back to the truth as revealed in Scripture regarding Jesus Christ and the Godhead.

Many people are now saying that there is no hope for you, that you have apostatized from the Evangelical Christian faith and that you are on the way to a Christless eternity in hell. I do not want to believe this. I want to believe that something horrible has happened to you, that this is all just a temporary mistake and that you were somehow disillusioned about conservative Evangelicalism during your college years but that you can come back to the truth of the Trinity and the Deity of Christ before it is too, too late.

Dan, the reality of apostasy and hell is real, if there is anything I can do, anything I can write you, show you, investigate for you, to try to really, sincerely attempt to bring you back from this decision you have made to deny the Trinity and Jesus Christ's Deity please tell me what it is.

I write this to you not to debate you, but to talk to you as a friend. Dan, do not do this, don't go down this path. Please tell me what I can do, what I can show you from Scripture to convince you that Jesus Christ is God and the Trinity is true.

Patrick Navas and You are such nice guys, I am very saddened Dan that you guys have chosen this path. What can I do help man?

There is still time to change the road you are on, but door is closing Dan, come back before it is too late.

I love you and your friends at Hunger Truth Dan, you know this personally, tell me now what I can do or show you that Jesus is God and that the Trinity is true.

Sincerely in Jesus, your friend,

Ed Enochs