Standing for the Historic Evangelical and Reformed Faith in a postmodern generation. We believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, Justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, the inerrancy and authority of the Bible alone for the glory of God alone.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My Journey Back to the Reformed Faith

"For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified."

Romans 8:29-30

" Man's chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever." (Westminster Confession)

For many years I have been a Calvinist, but have felt out of place in most Reformed Churches. Maybe it is because most Reformed Churches are liturgical and play ancient hymns accompanied by an organ. Maybe it is because I love rock and roll music and love Christian music played with drums and guitars, a music style that you do not see in most Reformed Churches on Sunday Mornings. While I have for many years, believed in the "five points of Calvinism" I have attended a non-Reformed Church. Yet, recently I have had a crisis of conscience about my Church attendance and participation. I am a Reformed Christian believing in the absolute sovereignty of Almighty God over all things, yet I attended a non-Reformed Church because of music preference. I have sold my soul and theological convictions for Rock and Roll. I have not attended a Calvinist and Reformed Church because I am a compromiser and hypocrite at heart. The depravity and wretchedness of my sinful heart has kept me from standing with the Reformed Faith, all the while secretly in the depths of my heart I am a Calvinist and I believe in the Sovereignty of God in salvation and reject out right and in total anything to do with Arminianism, semi-Arminianism and Semi-Pelagianism.

I believe that God is absolutely sovereign. I believe that all men and women are born totally depraved, dead in tresspasses and sin. I believe that our election by God is unconditional and is dependant upon the Sovereign grace of Almighty God alone. I believe that the atonement of Jesus Christ is particular in scope and purpose and that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the elect and not for the non-elect who are perishing. I believe in the doctrine of double predestination, in that I believe that God elects some to heaven and hell before the foundation of the world.

I believe that God calls an elect people to salvation and that this election and call to salvation in absolutely irresistible. I believe in the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints in that I believe that those who are truly called by God before the foundations of the world will endure without exception until the end and cannot lose their eternal salvation. I am absolutely Augustinian and Calvinistic in my view of the sovereign grace of God in salvation. I believe like the Protestant Reformers that justification is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ and His glorious cross alone for the glory of God alone based on the authority of the Bible alone Amen.

Today I am coming out as a Reformed Christian. I am a Calvinist without compromise and without fear. I believe the Bible teaches that men and women, boys and girls cannot be saved unless they are chosen by God. I believe that salvation is by God, for God's glory alone and that is not within man to save himself. So here it is folks, I am returning back to the Reformed Faith. As of this week, I am transferring my membership to a Reformed Church. I plan on writing books, conducting Bible studies, debating, living and dying all by the Reformed soteriological perspective. I believe in the absolute sovereignty of God, I am a Calvinist. Here I stand, God help me. Amen.

Here are some ministry links that I support and affirm.

Salvation is not about us, it's about God's glory.

American Evangelicalism is being destroyed by man centered theology and practice.

American Evangelicals must return to a Christ and Bible centered focus that recovers and rediscovers the central theme of true Christianity: That it is not about us folks. It is about Almighty God.

We need a Reformation in this country and in the American Evangelical Church and it starts with me.

I repent of a man centered focus that takes glory from God.

I stand with the Calvinist and Reformed Faith that says that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for God's glory alone based on the Bible alone.
